Thank you for your interest in becoming a mentor with College Next Door!
Our chapters at Georgetown University and The George Washington University are now recruiting mentors for 2021-22.
Are you current student at the DC-based university and interested in starting a chapter? Contact us for more information.
Why become a mentor?
Long-term relationship development with a high-school mentee in the DC area.
Network of university students through the chapter's mentor cohort and leadership team.
Mentorship Skills Training, Development, and Leadership Opportunities.
Network of both Georgetown and GW chapters and College Next Door's Board of Directors.
Who can become a mentor?
Current Freshmen or Sophomores.
Prior experience not required.
How are mentors chosen?
Through the application and interview process, mentors will be chosen based on best fit for mentorship (dedicated, passionate and driven students).​
If you are interested in learning more or have any questions, please reach out via email at info@collegenextdoor.org or to the respective chapters' email:
GWU Chapter: gw@collegenextdoor.org
Georgetown Chapter: georgetown@collegenextdoor.org